Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Ivy, first born to Rosina and Fred Slender, was the undisputed culinary star of the family. It has been said that she ‘cooked with love’. Nothing could be truer.

I recall summer evenings sitting in the back garden of her Earlwood house, Cocky swearing enthusiastically, “You bugger! You bugger! Dawn! You bugger!” as the family gathered for some celebration or other. Pavlova was presented as the triumphant finale to these family feasts. Outside it was crisp and delicate but full of succulent marshmallow inside and always topped with cream, strawberries and passionfruit. At the end of the evening after at least two helpings of Pavlova if not more, Joyce, Billie and I would waddle off to our little blue Morris Minor to head home, replete. Nothing will ever compare to Aunty Ivy’s Pavlova. (The first Pavlova recipe written below is NOT Ivy's. Cousin Dawn recently showed me the original. I wrote down the ingredients and being a little short of time committed the rest to memory. Consequently the 'method' is quite brief. I will get the full details when I am next in Sydney!)

It was Aunty Ivy who introduced the family to crème caramel in the ‘70s. She made it with a hint of orange. It was silken, cool…delicious. That was a long time ago and I only tried it once or twice but it will never be forgotten.

She also made Blitz torte by sandwiching two cakes with custard. Each cake had a layer of meringue as well as the cake layer. The meringue layers formed the top and bottom of the finished cake. The top meringue layer was sprinkled with slivered almonds and a hint of cinnamon before baking.

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